Example 1: Export C Functions to WASM

The related code/working directory of this example resides in directory {WAMR_DIR}/samples/basic

The "basic" sample project

This sample demonstrates a few basic usages of embedding WAMR:

  • initialize runtime

  • load wasm app and instantiate the module

  • call wasm function and pass arguments

  • export native functions to the WASM apps

  • wasm function calls native function and pass arguments

  • deinitialize runtime

Build this sample

Execute the build.sh script then all binaries including wasm application files would be generated in 'out' directory.

$ ./build.sh

Run the sample

Enter the out directory.

$ cd ./out/
$ ./basic -f wasm-apps/testapp.wasm
calling into WASM function: generate_float
Native finished calling wasm function generate_float(), returned a float value: 102009.921875f
calling into WASM function: float_to_string
calling into native function: intToStr
calling into native function: get_pow
calling into native function: intToStr
Native finished calling wasm function: float_to_string, returned a formatted string: 102009.921

Or execute the run.sh script in samples/basic folder.

$ ./run.sh
calling into WASM function: generate_float
Native finished calling wasm function generate_float(), returned a float value: 102009.921875f
calling into WASM function: float_to_string
calling into native function: intToStr
calling into native function: get_pow
calling into native function: intToStr
Native finished calling wasm function: float_to_string, returned a formatted  string: 102009.921

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